Are we starting to wake up?

>> Friday, January 22, 2010

It seems that a blow was struck against the anti-freedom movement that has been sweeping the nation this last year. For more than a year the Washington establishment has made a steady movement towards the left and "progressive" socialist ideals, and for the most part, we've been letting them. It has begun to come to an end. The citizens of the historically liberal state of Massachusetts have spoken, and hopefully our elected officials will respond in kind. Many politicians have already spoken, however, and some leopards apparently don't change their spots. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill) has already stated that a way to avoid the 60 votes needed to pass a new bill can be avoided by merely accepting the Senate bill as-is. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer suggested they'd be willing to consider that instead of having no bill at all. Didn't they just finish months of saying they disapproved of each others versions of the health care bill and wouldn't dare pass them without some concessions? And I though there wasn't a lack of morals and principles in Washington.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern, Obama's friend and the most popular visitor to the White House, said the Brown's win showed that the people were unhappy with the lack of "bold action" in Washington. Really? Massachusetts voted a Republican in because they were upset that there wasn't enough action going on in Washington? You mean the thousands of pages of unread bills passed under the dark of night wasn't enough action? Or pushing legislation after legislation that the general population has spoken out against wasn't bold enough? The hundreds of thousands of bipartisan Tea Party members apparently didn't phase many Democrats, but I hope the election of Brown will scare them into following the will of the people rather than make them work faster to destroy our country before their ousted on their behinds.

Score one for the people. It's we take our country back from the elitist politicians that think they know better than us. It's about time for that change many of us thought we were getting more than a year ago.


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