First post on the new blog

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

I have contemplated having a second blog for some time now. When I started The Grapes of Rath to talk about my family, I had thoughts of doing a second blog just for politics, because yes, I do care that much. I know many are content just to be upset about our political climate today, but, not being a politician, or known in political circles, this is the best, most effective way for me to effect some kind of change (and not Obama's kind of change, mind you). If I can help one individual learn more about what's going on and help him or her be more involved and knowledgeable about our nation's direction, than this blog's purpose is fulfilled.

Please understand that though I have a certain opinion, most of it is based in fact (I am, after all, a scientist), and while I can understand the positions and beliefs coming from the liberal side of politics, I tend to have both a logical AND and a personal reason for not agreeing with them. I don't claim to be an expert in any subject, but I do tend to do lots of research on any subject, so if anything I write is incorrect please let me know what it is and what source you found the information is.

I'll repost everything from my other blog that relates to politics, and I will then have regular posts concerning current issues in America. And away we go...


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